Tuesday, May 4, 2010

David Henry Braves The Flood

The TrueTonian spotted in the vicinity of yet another flooded basement. Photo by Rann Russell


utterlylinda said...

Nice shirt.
I assume since you are blogging you are mostly dry and have power. This is good.

Blake said...

I have that t-shirt :)

Hope all is clearing up and drying out down there.

David Mead, Jr. said...

Linda and Blake, thanks for your concern. We made it through the weekend completely unscathed, save for a loss of electricity for all of Sunday. As you have probably heard by now, this was absolutely nothing compared to several parts of Nashville, so we are super thankful. I have too many friends affected by this to even mention, but I can definitely say that this is the worst natural disaster I have ever witnessed here. Be glad you missed it.

Jenny said...

Looks like I've found a VP for my David Henry fan club...